Sunday 14 October 2012


Hello there.

I think I'd forgotten about you. Or just pushed you to the bottom of the pile. There's been a lot in the pile of late. Legal shizzle. Worrying. Lie awake at night and count the number of hours till work starts again kind of worrying. It's not going to go away though. Not unless I give in - and I will never again be that scared little person who gives in to bullies.


Instead I'm going to join the local Amateur Operatic Society and ham it up at every given opportunity. I've cancelled my internet dating subscription. Decided I'd rather get on with my life as it is. It's made me (mostly) happier already and I only actually finally decided all of this today. The Minis are supportive and that's all that matters.

And as one darling person on twitter put it "They don't make Zimmer frames for two, y'know!". @rosamundi, I love you! Next London trip - you are mine for at least one gin-sodden session. Preferably with added groundling factor.

So today I took the Minis to Harvest Festival at the church I attended as a child, was married in and where both the girls were christened. It's utterly and spectacularly beautiful, so I thought I'd share it with you.

This is my Harvest offering. My first portion. Enjoy it.


And now, just for me, do as you're told :